Based on Homer’s famous epic poem Iliad, about the Greek Gods who play with earthly humans like puppets during the Trojan war, I made a physical performance with students of Theaterschool Rotterdam. Inspired by classical paintings and pop culture we examined themes such as decadence and the relationship between power and lust in a performance that combines dance, mime and text theatre.
Regie: Sofie Kramer
Spel: Niek van der Deijl, Doreen Edens, Jelmer de Groot, Marlous van Noordwijk, Natascha Scheepers en Rick van Werd
Tekst: Oscar van Woensel
Bewerking: Sofie Kramer
Vormgeving: Sharon Saunders
Licht: Niels Bouman
Begeleiding: Ricardo Anemaet
Spel: Niek van der Deijl, Doreen Edens, Jelmer de Groot, Marlous van Noordwijk, Natascha Scheepers en Rick van Werd
Tekst: Oscar van Woensel
Bewerking: Sofie Kramer
Vormgeving: Sharon Saunders
Licht: Niels Bouman
Begeleiding: Ricardo Anemaet
14 juni 2017 @ Theaterschool Rotterdam
15 juni 2017 @ Theaterschool Rotterdam
16 juni 2017 @ Toneelacademie Maastricht